​Clients say Haggerman & Associates:​

  • “is trusted explicitly due to a proven track record”
  • “does not mess with B and C players”
  • “is not like any other recruiter clients have ever worked with before”
  • “does an excellent job”
  • “works hard for clients”
  • “is extremely thorough”
  • “takes the pressure off management”

It is a battle out there to find and win A players who fit and stay put.

Lynne Haggerman & Associates, LLC

The experienced experts in the field… on your side

Clients say employees hired by partnering with Haggerman & Associates are:

  • “only A players”
  • “the perfect fit”
  • “meeting and exceeding expectations”
  • “huge contributing factors in solving problems, making money, saving money, bringing skills the team needs, and taking the business to the next level” 
  • “exactly who clients thought the candidates were when interviewing”

How We Can Help

Take the pressure and frustration off management, and take advantage of a trusted recruiter to secure quality candidates, promote your opportunity, and safely guide your company through the landmines - and to a winning hire.

Executive Recruiting

Call Today!

(800) 864-5416

We fill the following positions in all industries throughout the country: Executive Management, All Levels of Managers and Supervisors, Engineers, Sales/Sales Managers, Human Resources, Accounting, Computers & Information Technology, Marketing

Take control, save time, and get the results you want by securing an expert to fill your job openings with quality candidates - so you can focus on your core competencies.

Let us help you transform your business with the right hire who will open up doors of opportunity and company growth.

We're On Your Side

Please contact Lynne Haggerman & Associates, LLC for an initial consultation. Your company’s road to success is just a phone call away.