Lynne Haggerman & Associates, LLC

The experienced experts in the field… on your side

What We Do Next:

  • Prepare comprehensive reports regarding each statement taken, practically word for word.
  • Prepare a valid and credible report that provides bottom-line summaries and sound recommendations for the company and each party involved – a report worthy of submission to any governmental investigative officer or attorney.
  • Provide expert courtroom testimony, if needed, from an expert with extremely solid credentials than cannot be disputed.

What Just a Few of Our Clients Have Said:

  • “We had absolutely no idea. We were getting ready to promote him! Due to what you uncovered, we definitely dodged a bullet.”
  • “Our attorney said your qualifications alone would enable you to make a better impression under oath than anyone else. Everything will move forward in a better way due to your expertise. You are an unquestioned expert in HR.”
  • “Sometimes there is so much pressure to do other projects, we don’t take the time to think like you – with no biases. We were too close to the situation. You helped us position. I appreciate your feedback. I appreciate the way you handled it.”
  • “You uncovered information we would never have be able to, due to your questioning techniques and thoroughness.”
  • “The money was well spent hiring a professional with your detail. We will take your advice and run with it. Hiring you was definitely the right thing to do.”
  • “You came up with a good plan. It’s the right thing to do.”
  • “You saved us if this goes to court.”

How We Can Help

We Find Out:

  • Did it really happen? 
  • What is each party’s version of the situation?
  • If the versions differ, and they usually do since everyone’s versions can’t be true, who is making false statements?
  • What are the actual facts? 
  • Is the person/people being accused actually guilty?
  • What is the right, most legally defensive thing to do?

We're On Your Side

Please contact Lynne Haggerman & Associates, LLC for an initial consultation. Your company’s road to success is just a phone call away.
No one likes to hear it, but unfortunately, the day will come when an employee says he/she has been sexually harassed, or harassed or retaliated against due to race, disability, age, religion, national origin, or genetics. Or, an employee files a serious complaint or grievance about a different issue. 


Call Today!

(800) 864-5416

How We Find Out:

  • We conduct professional interviews with the person filing the complaint, the person/people being accused, and any witnesses.  
  • We get people to talk to us. 
  • Due to our skills and expertise in conducting investigations, we uncover information that most people, frankly, cannot.  
  • We know what questions to ask, whom to ask the questions to, and in what order to ask the questions.
  • We know in what order to interview all of the people involved.
  • We know whether the responses are the truth – or not.
  • We know the follow-up questions to ask to cinch the facts and continue to catch anyone who is making false statements.